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Revenue Forum Seminar Nordics

Welcome to the Revenue Forum Seminar in:

Helsinki, 12th November 2024
Reykjavik, 13th November 2024
Oslo, 14th November 2024

Five Ways to Increase Result

Welcome to the Revenue Forum Seminars in the Nordics. In this Free Of Charge we offer a half day with mingle and inspiration.

This time the topic is about guest communication. Increasing direct reservations is fully possible, but it means that you will have to have a good strategy when it comes to digital marketing. Revenue Forum has chosen four experts on the field to help you understand all about digital marketing, communicate with your guests throughout the complete customer journey and have them book direct.

13:00 Registration. Coffee is served
13:30 Welcome and introduction
13:40 Annemarie Gubanski, Taktikon
14:00 TBA from Cendyn
14:20 Jonty Hapeta from Trust You
14:40 Mingel break. Coffee is served
15:00 4th Speaker
15:20 5th Speaker
15:40 6th Speaker
16:00 After Work where we offer wine, beer and snacks
17:30 End of the day

Revenue Forum Helsinki
12th November 2024


Revenue Forum Reykjavik
13th November 2024


Revenue Forum Oslo
14th November 2024
