Lottie Knutson is travel influencer with long experience within the travel industry. She is a sought after journalist when it comes to consumer trends, is a familiar face on Swedish television and writes weekly articles on Travel Trends on one of the main newspapers in Sweden; Aftonbladet (in Swedish)
The list of Lottie Knutson’s professional achievements is almost as long as the list of her awards and includes a long list of board assignments for, among others, Cloetta, Stena Line, H&M and Wise Group. In addition to being able to call herself a board professional, she is also a journalist and writer.
During her time at travel company Fritidsresor, she became a familiar face to the Swedish people when, in her role as information director, she was faced with having to communicate the horrific information about the victims of the tsunami disaster in 2004.
She was praised for her efforts in connection with the tsunami and in the following years received titles and awards such as “Professional Woman of the Year” by the Professional Women’s Association, “Great Information Award” by Dagens Media and “Industry Woman of the Year” by the jury for the Grand Travel Award. She also received the King’s Medal in 2008.